
etsy up and running

My etsy store is finally up and running. There are only a few listings and they are for Baking Bags but I'm excited to get started. I'll be adding more as I get more fabric and as I get more products. I hope you can take a look and give me some feedback!!

Advise for Teen Girls

I recently came upon this blog post and I thought I'd share it with you. I feel that it's very pertinent to the lives of teens... back when I was a teen and now.

Because naive parenting leads to unprepared teenagers…
  • Nobody really looks like that.  Stop trying to achieve the impossible.
  • That eighty dollar pair of jeans looks exactly the same as that thirty dollar pair of jeans.
  • In ten years you will be nothing like the person you are today.   I know you don’t believe me.  But please try not to embarrass the future you.
  • Having a baby as a teenager is fun for about six minutes.  And then all your friends get tired of holding the baby and slowly drift away, back to their silly, teenager lives.  Your silliness is over.
  • Learn how to swing a hammer, change your oil and flip a breaker.
  • It does not hurt him when you say, “NO”.  He will not explode and die like he may try to convince you.
  • Do not text pictures of your body to teenage boys.  I can’t even begin to explain how this cheapens you.
  • Makeup should be worn so that it looks like it’s not being worn.
  • You will remember your first time your entire life.  Make sure he’s worth remembering.
  • Do not post Facebook pictures of yourself scantily dressed in your bathroom mirror.  Everyone hates it.
  • If you must, a two drink limit keeps things in perspective.
  • Learn to cook.
  • You do not have to be tomorrow, who you were yesterday.
  • If you have to look in the mirror more than twice a day, you are spending too much time on your looks.
  • There is a fine line between sexy and sleazy. If you don’t know what the line is, you are probably sleazy.
  • Relying on your looks will only last until the first pregnancy. Plan for college.
  • Showing your cleavage is not what attracts him.  He knows what’s in there and his imagination is even more generous than your proportions.  Cover yourself a bit…and give him something to think about.
  • Wear comfortable shoes.
  • Nobody noticed that zit until you pinched the crap out of it.  Smile, they will only notice your gleam.
  • Sometimes lust feels like love.  Identify the difference as soon as possible and you will have fewer regrets.
  • If you wouldn’t want your grandmother to know you are doing it, don’t do it.
  • Jeans and a t-shirt always wins.
  • Playing stupid only makes you look stupid.
  • He is not going to change.  No, he’s not.  Stop arguing.  You can’t fix him.
  • Peer pressure is no excuse for stupidity.
  • If he says the words, “But, if you loved me you would…” run the other direction. Don’t walk, run.
  • There will be moments later in life when you wonder what the Hell you were thinking back then.  At each pivotal moment of your teenage years, ask yourself whether this could be one of them.
Source: http://backwoodsmom.danoah.com/2011/12/realistic-advice-to-teenage-girls/


25 Christmas Gift & Gift Exchange Ideas

Photo Source: Here
We spent a night at my in-laws house this past weekend and we ended up discussing our Annual Christmas Gift Exchange. Currently, we buy a $30 gift for our gender (i.e. if your a guy, you buy a guy gift) and then just pick from a pile. We threw the idea around of drawing names, or gender-neutral etc. I have been searching out different ideas online for gift exchanges and I'll share with you come of my favourites. First, there are gift exchange gift ideas. After that, there are gift exchange games. Click on the bold titles to see the links to where these ideas can be found online. Some ideas are in comments as well. The ones without links are games or ideas I have done personally in the past.

1) Gift Card Exchange - If your limit is $30, everyone buys 3 $10 gift cards to different places. They can be anywhere (groceries, restaurants, movies, clothing stores, etc.). Then you can play a game to exchange and steal the cards of your choice.
2) Specific Annual Themes - Instead of buying a random gift, one year could be books, one year could be family photos, one year could be recipes or baked goods. This is one idea that could be good if trying to save money.
3) The Random Gift - Assign a letter, everyone brings a gift starting with that letter. Alternately, bring a gift starting with the letter of your own name or for your drawn recipient's name.
4) The Re-Gift Gift - This isn't an original idea but I know there are things around our house that we "want to get rid of" (for lack of a better term). If you have something that is taking up space in your house that someone else may want or need (and it FITS the situation), wrap it up for the exchange. This is a great way to save some money. I think the best way to use this idea is for a gag gift where you find something completely random and do the same idea. Mixed CDs, light bulbs, coffee beans, picture frames, etc. Be careful not to offend anyone.
5) Handmade or Cheap Gift - My cousin and I - before we both got married - used to do a handmade/cheap $3 gift swap. It was really fun. I have a Chevy Blazer and he made a model of it out of wood, plastic wheels, toothpicks, and paint. He even made sure that the paint didn't push the price over $3. We had a lot of fun with that. You can do the same with a low-limit gift. Purchase or make something for only $5 or $10. If you're not that crafty or you can't bake, you can buy something handmade from someone (check www.etsy.com or someone local).
6) Gender-Specific Gift - As I mentioned, we currently buy for our same gender. I buy a female $30 gift and Jeremy buys a male $30 gift. They all get put in the center of the living room and then we figure out some order to go in, unwrap the gift and we all keep our chosen gifts (no swapping or changing).
7) Closest Amount Wins - Set a limit of a random number ($13.82 for example). The person who comes closest to the amount without going over wins an additional small gift.
8) Charity/Food Bank Gift - Instead of gifts for each other, bring food items, school supplies, baby items, etc. and donate to your local Food Bank or Women's Shelter or Salvation Army, etc. Another idea could be a Christmas Card with a note saying, "I made a donation to {Charitable Organization Name} in your name."
9) Free Entertainment Gift - Instead of gifts, compose a poem, song, do a dance, tell a joke, play an instrument, etc.
10) The Deceiving Gift - Purchase a gift within your limit but instead of keeping it in its original packaging, put it in a different box/container so it appears to be something else. For example, put a jar of mixed nuts into a box for a coffee grinder. Decide whether to keep the gift a secret until the very end or to open right away.
11) Festive Sweater Gift - The night we told our families that we were engaged, my in-laws were going to an ugly toque party. Well, this would be awesome for either toques or sweaters. Can you imagine opening up a gift with a knit sweater with a reindeer and a large red pom pom on it? So fun. Wear them for the rest of the night for a good time! Don't forget to take a photo!!
12) Board/Card Game - Everyone can bring a board game or card game (within the predetermined limit) and use them as exchange gifts.

1) Draw Names with Ideas Lists - This is the traditional take on drawing of names but instead of just names on the paper, they can include a list of gifts under $30 as an idea of what they need/want. This helps the giver from endless hours figuring out (and shopping for) what to get the receiver and the receiver knows they won't get something out-of-the-blue.
2) White Elephant/Yankee Swap/Chinese Exchange - I know there are many versions of this and it's also called by different names but I will explain how I have always played this traditional gift exchange game.
You can pick an order of how people will choose a game. One year, we went by age - oldest to youngest. Another year, we went by birth month. You can also have people pick cards out of a deck of one suit and pick either high to low or low to high. One other way is by rolling dice. You can see there are plenty of ideas on how to get started.
After the order is picked out, the first person picks one gift out of the pile of gifts. They open the gift. Their turn is then done. The next person in line can choose to "steal" the first person's gift or to pick one from the pile and open it. If they steal, their turn is done and the person from whom they stole goes back and picks another gift. If they open a new gift, their turn is done. At the end, the person who played first gets a change to play again and either steal the last gift or keep the one they have.
We play that a gift can only be stolen twice and it cannot be stolen from the person who stole it from you. Example: If my husband steals my gift, I cannot steal it back from him immediately after. I would have to chose another gift. If you decide to do unlimited steals, be prepared to play well into the night (depending on how popular your gifts are).
3) Draw Names in Age Groups - My sister and her family do this as well. Draw names for adults, teens, and children. Assign a money limit for each group. You can draw names either this Christmas for next Christmas or a couple months before Christmas so it's fresh in your mind.
4) BINGO - Adults can play Bingo and whoever wins a round gets to pick a gift first. You can go further to have the next winner either steal the first person's gift or else open a new gift. Or you can have everyone wait to open their gifts until everyone has their gifts.
5) Guessing Your Gift Game - I have done this in the past too. You do the traditional drawing of names but when it comes to opening, you don't write who it's to or who it's from on the gift. You have to wrap it specifically for the recipient. For example, I play volleyball. The person who draws my name could wrap my gift with volleyball wrapping paper. If someone is a reporter, wrap their gift in newsprint or something similar. Get the idea? The reason you don't put the name on the gift is so that the recipient can guess which gift is theirs. An additional idea for this game is putting a gift that represents you inside of the gift so the recipient also has to guess who the gift is from.
6) White Elephant Guessing Gift - Same idea as the White Elephant with one twist: wrap the present so it represents yourself and they have to guess who wrapped it before they can open it.
7) Christmas Story Exchange - Pass out key words from the story "T'was the Night Before Christmas" and as you read out the story, when someone's word is said, they stand up and say, "Merry Christmas" or something related of your choice and choose a gift.
8) Right/Left Game (also known as Round Robin) - Everyone takes the gift that they brought (or you can mix them up) and sits in a big circle so that everyone is in easy reaching distance. A story is read and every time the word "Right" is said, everyone passes their gift one person to the right. Every time the word "Left" is said, everyone passes their gift one person the the left. Click on the link for a cute little story. You could also write your own. You would want to change up the story so that people don't figure out where to sit to get a gift they want. Other stories can be found here and here.
9) Get to Know You + Question Game 1 - Everyone gets a gift to start. Put some slips of paper into a bowl with a question and a command written on each one. One at a time, everyone pulls a slip out of the bowl, answers the question and then reads the command until everyone has opened their gifts. Some examples:
Q. What is your favourite colour?  C. Tell everyone wearing that colour to open their gift
Q. Where would you like to travel to on your next vacation?  C. Tell everyone to pass their gift 2 spaces left.
Q. Do you like fruit cake?  C. Swap gifts with someone.
Other commands can be swapping gifts across the table/circle, open remaining gifts, swap with person on left or right, etc.
10) Get to Know You + Question Game 2 - Create a list of statements that apply to the group that you are playing the game with. Start with giving each person a random gift. You could also start with them all in the middle and they can choose as the game allows. One by one, read the statements and tell the group what to do next. Here are some examples of the statements that would apply to my family:
- If you will spend Christmas Day working, you can (choose and) open your gift.
- If you have ever flown overseas, you can swap gifts with someone. 
- If you have a sister, you may (choose and) open your gift. (In a family with many sisters, use "more than #")
- If you can solve a Rubix Cube, you may swap gifts.
- If you had to drive more than 50 km to get here, you may (choose and) open your gift.
- If you are wearing green, you may open your gift.
Make up a list of rules before starting. You can choose to say you have to swap or you can keep when the statement applies to you. But if someone is entitled to swap gifts and asks to exchange with you then you must. You can also limit the number of swaps/steals on the same statement.
You may want to have a long list ready and give a general one if you need to get more gifts open (if you're wearing ___...). Once all the gifts are open every statement ends with "swap your gift".
You can also choose to say about 2/3 of the way into the game that everyone must pass their gift one person to the left. The submitter says, "It's hilarious because some people have been working so hard to get the gift they wanted. I make sure there are a few statements left so people can swap for the gift they want again. It's fun in a circle because people run to swap for the gift they want knowing a person can only get swapped once per question."
11) Corresponding Numbers - Number each gift as it arrives. Then, give the person who brought the gift a piece of paper with the same number on it. Tell them to write down a little known fact about themselves. Then fold the paper and put it in a bowl. To start the game, draw a piece of paper and read the fact, NOT the number. The first person to guess who the fact is about, gets the package with the same number. Once someone guesses correctly, they are out of the game. The last gift is for the host. This site has other great ideas!
12) Dice & Doubles - This game is more for if you have a smaller group because I could see it going long... depending on a few things. You start with everyone sitting - or standing if you really get into it - around a table with the gifts in the middle (probably better with smaller gifts as well unless you have a large table). Have 2 dice and a pair of oven mitts ready. Start rolling the dice, person by person around the table (only 1 roll each turn). The first person to roll doubles puts on the oven mitts, grabs a gift, and starts to open it. The dice continue around the table until the next person to roll doubles has to take the oven mitts, put them on, and continue to open the gift. Once a gift is open, that person is out along with their gift. The game continues until all of the gifts are open and everyone has a gift. Challenge: the harder you wrap the present (i.e. more layers of paper, lots of tape, box within a box within a box, etc), the longer the game will go and the more laughs you'll get. This could be done with one challenging gift as an extra fun game rather than your main gift exchange game. Oh, and teeth are not allowed (lol).
13) Pulling My String - Attach a string or yarn to each gift. Put all the gifts under a blanket with the strings available outside the covering. Everyone chose a string. You could pull out the gift right away or everyone pick a string and hold on to the end without pulling, then take the blanket off and everyone can find their way to their present.

More Christmas Gameshttp://www.santalady.com/xmasgames.html - some are really funny!
Secret Santa Online Organizerhttp://www.elfster.com/

Happy Christmas Shopping/Creating. I hope these ideas have helped you as much as they have helped me. I am looking forward to feedback!


we remember...

Today, November 11, 2011, we remember our fallen. I don’t have much to say except that I am thankful. Thankful to our men and women who died for our country. The ones who fought, fed, operated on and medicated, navigated, flew, sailed, and otherwise served for peace. We learned the following poem in school and it's more special to me as a Canadian because a Canadian wrote it. It's called "In Flanders Fields"
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Read the history and background on the poem and Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae here.
I love that this is solidified on our Canadian $10 bill for us to remember more than once a year.
Photo Source: Here
Poem on the Bill. Photo Source: here
Remembrance Day isn't just for Canadians but for all who live freely today. Remember this day.


product 6: sugar scrubs

I have made 3 different sugar scrubs (although I have a lot more recipes!). I only sold a couple at the Tilley Christmas Fair and I was surprised they didn't go over better. Maybe it was the way they were displayed. I'm not sure. Anyway, I'll share with you the ones I made. I do not have photos yet but I will post where I got the recipes and the photos from their respective sites.

1) Vintage Hand & Body Scrub - this is my personal favourite. It is easy and looks so nice. All you need is sugar, extra virgin olive oil, and massage oil. I used a lavender scented massage oil from The Body Shop.
Photo Source: Here
2) Vanilla Brown Sugar Hand & Body Scrub - I have to admit that I was loving the smell of this one. Vanilla and Brown Sugar together made me want to eat it (I don't think it'd be very good though!)
Photo Source: Here
3) Lemon Sugar Hand & Body Scrub - This one also smelled nice with the fresh lemon smell. I think I needed to add more sugar though. (Oops)
Photo Source: Here
Hope you enjoy these!! I know I do!


product 5: tile coasters

My sister and I have been making these for a few years and they seem to always go over well at craft shows. People can always use coasters! These ones are 4"x4" tiles - a little rustic looking depending on the condition of the tile - and then we use Staz-On ink which is permanent. I have a few sets in my own home and I love them. They are gorgeous and super handy... not only for drinks but you can put candy dishes, candles, small pots (using as a trivet), etc.

I don't have photos of mine at the moment but I will get on it!

a success...

I'd say that the Tilley Christmas Fair went very well. I think there was a great turnout and I think I got some good feedback from the things I was selling (which is always good to hear). I was even invited to two other shows: Nov. 26 in Brooks at The Well Church and Dec. 10 in Medicine Hat a River Park Church. It's good to be noticed for the handmade things. I also helped to sell my sister's products (she does kids and mommy things and she's really talented).

I took photos of my table and I'll post them soon.
Thanks for everyone who showed up and purchased items from me... but mostly for coming to support the Tilley Christmas Fair. I believe it was a great day for everyone!

Here are some photos of my table....


product 4: jersey headbands

I haven't taken any photos of these yet but I have made a number of jersey 5-strand headbands that I got from a tutorial here. They are comfy and super easy to make. Instead of measuring my head for the size, I used one of my lululemon headbands as a guide. I highly recommend making your own braided headband in any colour. I will be selling these at the Tilley Christmas Fair this weekend.

I didn't use old t-shirts, I purchased new Jersey fabric so these are brand new headbands. I have only made ones with the same colours as in the tutorial but next time I want to try mixing colours to make unique headbands.

Photo Source: Here


product 3: wire rings

Since I saw these on etsy and Pinterest, I have been wanting to make these. I found a great tutorial here. Please check it out and you can make your own. If you're not interested in making your own, you can contact me with a design you have in mind and I can try to create it for you :).

These will also be sold at the Tilley Christmas Fair on November 5th in Tilley. I'm really excited!!

product 2: baking bags

In September, my in-laws traveled to Nova Scotia to visit their son, my brother-in-law, Kevin at St. Francis Xavier University. When they returned, they came to visit Jeremy and I in our new home and they brought me a "Baked Potato Bag". I had never seen one before (although further research online proved that they have been around for a while). My MIL said, "I thought these would be neat and maybe you could figure out how to make them." Well, did I ever learn how to make them!

After much fabric shopping, trial and error, seam ripping, and frustration, I have so far made a total of 17 "Baking Bags" which consists of 12 large bags and 5 mini bags (I've added more since the photo was taken). I have called them "Baking Bags" because apparently, you can also make sweet potatoes and well as corn on the cob in them.

I will be selling these at the Tilley Christmas Fair. I'm excited to see how they go over!!

** UPDATE ** I'm done sewing all of them. I took individual photos but below is just all of them together. I wish the photo was better but that's what happens when you take them at night with fluorescent lighting and an iPhone. I'll get a better one at the Hall on Saturday!

** UPDATE 2 ** Some people have asked me what Baking Bags are. These are essentially pockets that you can make the perfect baked potato in the microwave in. The larger bags you can put 2-4 potatoes in and the smaller ones you can fit 1-2 potatoes depending on size.

To use the bag, wash a potato and either keep slightly damp or wrap in a paper towel that you use to dry the potato with. Put the potato in the Baking Bag (do NOT prick holes in potato) in the microwave. Microwave for 2-4 minutes checking every 30-45 seconds. This is just for 1 potato. You can also "bake" sweet potatoes, red potatoes, and even corn on the cob. Hope that clears things up.


anxiousness breeds...

As I thought to write a post starting with the word "anxiousness", I googled "anxiousness breeds" and all I found was negative! Anxiousness breeds more chaos, fear, anxiousness, insanity, isometric tension, mistrust... the list goes on.

I would hope that my "anxiousness breeds" statement would end in "creative energy" or "creative genius" or something a little more positive.

This past Saturday was my grandpa's 80th birthday and after the party was all said and done, the "kids" a.k.a. my aunts and uncle came over and went through all of my grandpa's belongings and decided what they wanted and anything left over is considered unwanted and we'll have to either donate or garbage (depending on condition) the rest.

So, after all this is done, I can unpack my sewing machine and other craft supplies and set up my own craft room!! I am really excited. This will be the first room that will be mine to do whatever I want. I can't wait to start making things for this year's Tilley Christmas Fair. It'll come sooner than I want and I want to get a head start on things! I guess you could say that I'm anxious (insert sarcastic laughter here ha ha).

Until next time...


life in transition...

Well, since the last time I wrote, My hubby and I have moved about an hour away from where we were living, I have quit my job to work full time in my Dad's business (we moved back to the town where I grew up), Jeremy and I have been commuting back and forth from Home to Work for the past 3 weeks. I just worked my last day at my job yesterday. It was bittersweet. I know I'm better off being closer to home and I'm sure I'll get more rest because we're not commuting so much but I will miss the friends that I have met there. Shed a few tears throughout the day.

Besides all the changes that have been happening in our lives lately, we have started to settle into our "new" home slowly and we're just hoping that life starts to slow down a bit so that we can enjoy it.

I hope to get a studio/craft room started up soon but that may have to wait for a bit until things get a bit more organized. Stay tuned... sorry this took so long.

Oh, and another thing... we don't have internet at our place yet and probably won't until the end of the month. Updates may take a bit until we get there.


product 1: magnetic photo cable...

So I actually made these a few years ago to sell at a Christmas Craft Show here in Medicine Hat. I was helping my sister out with her table and we had a bunch of handmade crafts and cards, etc. It was fun crafting together and creating different little items together. I still remember staying up way too late and listening to music and laughing at how overtired we were.

I had seen these online and made my own variation of them. They are a magnetic cable weighted on the bottom and they come with 10 Neodyminium magnets that are powerful enough to keep photos, cards, etc. on the cable. See the photos below.

I hope you enjoy these. I will be selling these at the Tilley Craft Fair in November this year and any extras will be sold in my etsy shop... to be opened soon.

Until next time...


They arrived...

My business cards arrived which is pretty awesome. I'm excited to get crafting, packaging, and prepping to sell my "wares". I'm really looking forward to what may come...


behind the scenes...

There is a lot going on at home from having visitors, contemplating future plans while trying to live in the present, collecting craft supplies and ideas (by the ton!), etc. Through all the chaos, I am reminded that the Lord is in control and He knows what the plans are for us (Jeremiah 29:11).

I have slowly been working on making more crafts as well. I started up an etsy shop but I don't have anything in it just yet. I'm wanting to have things prepared to ship first beforehand so that it will be a quick transaction.

Also, I have ordered business cards to include in the packages that I will be sending out to people who buy my products. Now I just have to wait for them to arrive and I gotta get going on my items! Wish me luck :)

Stay tuned...


I'm still here...

So I'm at a stand still. Progress on my "craft room" has been going good but Jeremy and I are having some questions about whether or not we should move which means that I don't want to settle in too much just to uproot again. Not quite sure what to do but for now, everything is temporary.

Until next time,


my "studio"...

Well I have been working on making "our" house a home. Jeremy and I spent all last week filing, purging, and organizing our upper floor. We have our master bedroom with en suite, a spare room, an additional bathroom, and an office. We have been transforming the spare room from storage area to spare room/craft room. The office is feeling more like an office rather than a "catch-all" for paperwork and electrical cords and what-have-you.

This is my new wardrobe for my crafts and things
See it here on the IKEA website
The spare room now has a bed set up, a new wardrobe purchased and set up, pictures ready to be hung, and Rubbermaid containers of wedding decorations. I am getting really excited to set up my sewing machine and get to my crafting and creating. It's like I've been collecting ideas and photos of ideas of things that I want to try and I can't without the space. I'll post a photo of the completed room. Unfortunately, I didn't take a before photo but you'll just have to imagine it a billion times worse and that's how it was...

Until next time,


for starters...

I have moved my other blog over to this one so that it's a bit more customized and I can have everything in one place. To read a "back story" on my previous blog, please visit rludesigns.blogspot.com. Thank you for visiting and hopefully you come back!

Take care!